Thursday, September 7, 2017

windy smoky but warm day

Today is a smoky hazed windy but hot day. Sheldon was off to get a load of water before 10 again and got it on the east trees. I got to work on projects having a great day, the benches were all sanded. One got a full milk paint job with green, driftwood and buttermilk coats while the other 2 got a bit of the left over black stain and green milk paint added.

The dining table was sanded and another coat of ebony applied. But the main project was the mirror I recently bought. Natasha has been looking for one for their new house in their main bathroom. She loved it and wanted it done to match her quartz. I sanded, added fresco chocolate then a couple coats of cream, sanded, dark wax detailing and finally gold gilding paint highlights.

Sheldon putzed in the shop then flood watered the last tote of water on the island and picked dandelions. I helped him collect them and toss to the happy ponies. Shaina was home around 12:30 to change and head to work for 1. As I was painting I heard Lola launch off the deck in hot pursuit. Grabbing hte binoculars I indeed saw a coyote crossing the east end. Calling Sheldon, he ran to grab his rifle, jumped on the quad and set after. He took a shot and after heading out to check, it was a confirmed hit (via a cell pic) claiming 500 yards accuracy. ;)

We loaded up the recyclables and he was off to town before 3 to take them and the stack of goodies to take it or leave it, grab groceries, more tools, pick up a dresser for me and get water on his way back.

I finished the mirror up and tried to stage pictures, oh my mirrors are hard to photograph. But hopefully you get the idea. Prince was back just before 6 unable to get water yet again. We unloaded the dresser and groceries and then it was watch the news in the A/C for Prince as it hit 31 yet again. He picked me up a new sander too :)

Britt was home for supper quick then off to her dog sitting overnight duties. Now this is the babysitting she loves, lucky Duke. Kaylin was home after 7:30 with an oil filter for Dad to change for her but again they sold her the wrong one. He ran to town to exchange while she ate supper then got her packing done for her Montreal trip tomorrow and soaked in the tub. I went out and sanded the one bench with my new sander then sealed it with an antique tough coat. Not sure I am loving it of course cause yellows and greens which are not my color loves, will see in the am.

Shaina was home from work around 9 and Sheldon finished up the oil change as I was coming in around 9:30 too.

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