Sunday, September 10, 2017

start of fall cleaning

Sunday Morning was SMOKE FREE and clear! I spent it sorting our closet for clothes to purge while Sheldon ran some more water on trees and grass.

At lunch Sheldon Britt and I caught horses and went for a lovely ride in the glorious 21 sunshine. After untacking and hosing Britt did bean removal on Pepper and Hawk and adjusted Bird and Switch for the first time on her own. Yeah B

how pretty are my Belgian mums blooming?

 A cold beer and bite to eat had Shaina rolling in just before 3 and then S was off for water and us girls off to work with roo. She had a good session today after a little delay on the catching part. This time Britt bought us ice caps for the ride home, thanks Beasle.

this is Britt's favorite bridge so we stopped 
for a little photo op on the way home

 Back at home at 6, Sheldon was chilling watching football. He cooked up bacon and corn on the barbecue for BLTs then I was back to purging clothes getting quite a few stacks. Shaina was off to town for a workout at 9 while Britt packed lunch and prepped for another work day Monday.

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