Tuesday, September 12, 2017

booth trip

Early start for me, I was up at 8 and went to roust Shaina at quarter after to see if she was ready for her 8:30 shift, she managed to pull it off heading out the door a little after 8:30. I got myself prepped and off to town after 9. Today Monica and I are off to the booth which turned out to be the biggest bust yet, only these coasters sold and that was because I mis tagged them for cheap LOL

We did move stuff around, drop some prices before grabbing drive thru for the road home. Seeing we only have 18 days left there we brain stormed ideas on the ride home and after an even longer conversation in front of her house came up with a new plan. Details to come once in place folks ;)

I then ran errands dropping off the 2 bags of shoes to go to the Dominican Republic with Tony W, picking up gifts, groceries, dog food and then stopping to get a wee dent estimate for Sadie. I also stopped to check out dollar store pumpkins but how is the dollar store selling them for $3.50 each! But guess how much avocados were at Co-op? No thanks to either deal of the day.

Back at the ranch Shaina was home from work getting ready to head to the city. Britt was in town shopping for more things for her trip before her dental appointment. Tash and Curtis stopped around 4 to pick up their new mirror.

Shaina and I got the loads of bags for the Mustard Seed loaded up. She was off about quarter after 4 to the city to take in the IT movie and supper and stay over at Jennas just as Britt was pulling in. Being frozen made supper easy; tunny cheese buns and ceasar salad for me and B had hers a little later on. I completed the kids table and chair set blog post and got it put on a few pages. More online research was in order while Britt continues to pack and do bits of laundry, one week left before she is on a plane with her backpack!

Britt left the gate open and minutes later I see this out my computer window!!

Today was 21 and nice and sunny here but it did start to drop in temperature after supper. Kaylin called just before 10 to say she had landed and was on her way to her vehicle. The rain started to come down just after we hung up and I got Lola in, when she arrived home just after 11 the rain really started to come down, finally!!

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