Thursday, August 3, 2017

smoke is back

Britt was none to quiet heading out today. I asked her to let Coco out but she heard Lola ;/ Her banging in the kitchen and loud door closing made for the end of my sleep and eventually I went out and put Lola back in at 7:30 so the others could sleep. Perhaps a vacuum outside her door at 6 am on her days off is in order ;)

I made a big pot of coffee for the girls as Shaina has a 9 am shift and Kaylin left soon after 9 for the city for an appointment before her 1:30 shift. K did bring me a creamed coffee before she left as Lex had me in a snuggle trap, thanks K!

I was not long after heading to town for a long awaited massage at 10. The town is booming with heritage days under way and I even managed to score lunch as I ran errands in the shopping district. I got my hot dog, pop, chip and cotton candy fix for the year!

Once I was back home and unloaded I got busy doing some marketing. I wrote a quick post for the baseball sign on Hometalk and the colored mason jars. Accounting was next order of biz, Shaina was home from work at 4. She did help me haul the last of Kaylin's boxes to the storage trailer, treat KD's foot and give probiotic, give Switch and Hawk their supplements and tea tree oil his foot and then dust Daisy in gold bond powder to help with her itch. Thanks Dude.

I worked on the dressers to see what I had in mind. The one with curvy fronts is overloaded with glass knobs so want to change to handles or fill in some holes. I also dug out two of the filled in key holes.. hmm people's ideas. I took off all the knobs on it and researched new pulls. I also after all my touch up and redoing the chair for Tash, I repainted the seat entirely!

It was a warmer day hitting 27 but around supper the smoke covered the sky giving the red sun. After my yummy dinner of mushroom pork chops (supplied by Shaina) the girls and I went for a ride.

Kaylin was home just before 11 and Sheldon was home not much later heading straight to bed and sleep. Shaina and Kaylin could be found giggling till midnight while they did their sunless tanning lotion.

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