Wednesday, August 30, 2017

off to the booth

Again I was up by 8, Britt was off earlier and the other 2 are sleeping in. The day started out fairly sunny but soon smoked over and became smoking hot. It seems the internet was glitchy even after new router but I soon found out that we had gone over our 200 GB of data. Yep more time with the provider but eventually I got the internet back running. Time to get laundry going then decided today I would head to the booth to see the status and take over some antiques to put in if room. Of course the flower pots needed watering first.

Shaina was up and out the door just before her noon shift. I woke Kaylin who has to leave by 12:30, she made coffee, gave poopy back Lex a quick bath and got ready. I left before she did now loaded up. It was 32 as I was driving there and 34 on the way home! The booth had hardly anything sold but I did manage to fit int he valet chair, and few other things and rearrange stuff. I had time to peruse around as well and have to say our booth is pleasing to the eye more so then many packed ones but it all comes down to sales.

It was now 2:30 and needed a bite to eat so grabbed a burger and hit the local Salvation army to find a jewelry box. I found one, and a wooden rocking horse, a mirror, shelf and another trinket box ;)

My next stop was Costco without a list.. ok what I remembered was bread and computer so I got those and a bit more ;) Like I said it was hot and smoky so I grabbed an ice cap and headed home scooping the mail on the way by.

Back at the ranch it was unload and update my CM spreadsheet and deposit the piddly cheque from last month. Shaina was home around 6 bringing us a salad big enough from work to feed all 3 of us (B when she got home) and deep fried pickles, thanks Dude! She was then headed back to town before 7 to take in a boot camp she may be running in the future then working out and not back home till almost 9. Kaylin was home before 11 after her work day. Usually the evenings have cooled off but when I was getting Lola in after midnight it was still 24 out, such a warm and lovely night, wow!

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