Wednesday, August 23, 2017

another hot one -31

The coffee pot went off at 5:45 all set up by Kaylin last night. I went to wake her then took her a hot cup down to help wake her up for her early shift. She was out the door after 6. Britt grabbed a cup too as she was off about half hour later. Prince made us a pot at 9 and our day got going. It is forecast to be 30 today, perhaps the last of the year.

I staged the dresser then finished the last few things. The lower unfinished edge seemed to stick out so I whipped up some paint and gave it a couple coats. The top was waxed with clear then dark with additional touch ups to the body.

Sheldon went and closed the gate as all the horses were back in the paddocks today then after I helped him load the generator in the quad wagon, he went and replaced the two broken rails.

After lunch it was a stay inside kind of afternoon hitting 30. Sheldon tried to find a picker to take the probe while I worked on the blog. I did venture out to get the bench and got sidelined by picking apples. Our trees are loaded, I brought in 2 shirt fulls.

I also filled the pool for the puppies seeing so hot

By 4 it hit 31, Armed with a frosty strawberry margarita I went out to hose/scrub the bench Prince made me and he take the stereo out of the probe. I cooked Prince and I up tacos for supper before we headed off to town after 6 to take in the downtown market night. There were lots of tables and goodies. We left with a load of veggies and pie from the Hutterites, flowers and a amethyst necklace from a school mate of Kaylin's who has a sweet jewelry business.

We were then off to the Paetz's to celebrate Amanda's birthday. Ice cream cake never fails especially on such a hot day. Happy birthday little sister.

We were back home around 9:30 followed soon by Kaylin. She had enjoyed some time with friends biking and eating after her work shift. Britt was home around 11 having spent the evening celebrating Brooke's birthday with her. Shaina made it home from BC but stayed in the city with an appointment at 10 in the morning before her work shift.

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