Saturday, July 1, 2017

sad news on Canada day

It was a multi start day with Britt off early, Deb up doing a puzzle at 630, mom heading to the deck with a glass of water at 8 and me awake since 6. We did get coffee going so Shaina could get to work for 9 and the day underway. I put Britt's new healing boot on KD and was just back in when I got a call from Kaylin with terrible news; her boyfriend had passed. Immediately I jumped in the car, Sheldon changed quick and jumped in too and we were off swinging thru town to grab Shaina. The next few hours were heart wrenching. The girls stayed in to be comforted by Mike's friends for the afternoon so we headed back.

Mom and Deb had gone to town to Paetz's and take in some Canada Day things. We stopped at a few places to grab part and such then headed home. Mom and Deb came back out with Mom cooking up some burger she brought into meatballs and cooked spaghetti. Debby made her guacamole and onion dip but it was hard to eat on this sad day.

Britt had asked me to give meds to Bird so Debby and I fought the wind and darkening skies to give her as well as KD. Not long after we got in the house the storms erupted. The rain and wind and thunder and lightening came and went thru the whole evening.

Britt was home after her work day to quickly change and head to a friends house. Shaina and Kaylin came home around 9:30 to waiting arms for hugs and comfort from all. ;( Such a sad day, there was no celebrating Canada 150 for us. My heart breaks for their loss.

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