Saturday, July 29, 2017

field close to ready

Sleep in day yet I was wide awake after a restless night at 7 am!! WTH! Finally Sheldon woke at 9 to make coffee. Britt was slow to get moving to but eventually she was out the door before 11 to head to town to play in a ball tournament. Sheldon, Lexi and I loaded up and were off tot he field to assemble the tent, put marking flags in and pick more rock.

Time for a lunch and refreshment back in the A/C as it is now 27. Shaina stopped home after 1 for a quick change and grab an egg salad sandwich before jetting to work. I worked on the blog while Prince and the dogs napped in the heat of the day. I also snapped some pics of the lectern and the jars I finished with twine tops.

I went out to white wax the vase I started yesterday. Once up from the nap, S came out , cut a top for a recycle bin and we loaded up and took first load down; water, bins and barriers then back for the horse trailer. In it was the table and chairs for the tent. The dogs and us hiked back to the house in the heat for a cool break again in the A/C.

Eventually we headed back out and dug dandelions, started watering the grass that is crispy and trees. Sheldon hauled out the drip line from storage and tried to get it set up along east side trees while I worked on making signs up.

Britt and Grady got home for a late supper after a long day of ball around 7. We cooked up sausage and KD for supper with Shaina joining us after her shift ended too. We visited while the girls rode (thanks for taking Switch girls) then got ready to leave to Rockyford Rodeo.

B did not get this club sign done ;(

The crew left just after Connie arrived around 9:30. She got horses settled, we ran water to the pen and Kaylin was home not long after then Diane. Once they got tent set up and Kaylin ate, Sheldon started a fire and we had a visit around the fire till midnight and called it an night.. well we did anyway Shaina, Britt and Grady rolled in at 4 am. ;)

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