Friday, June 23, 2017

worker bees

I got busy today on the dining set putting a fourth stain/oil coat on the table top then a second coat of the grey on the base and chairs. Sheldon checked the tee pee damage on his way to the shop to move machinery out and get started on swather maintenance.

Shaina's eggs were delivered just before Sheldon made a trip to town for parts before UFA closed at 6. I had supper ready for 7 but Sheldon made a gopher run and Britt was late after running to Chinook after work to pick up Lexi while Kaylin and Shaina are off to Vegas this weekend.

Britt and I headed out to practice in the evening glow ;) then she loaded up a few things for tomorrow's tournament before hitting the sheets after a long day. We were not much farther behind her.

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