Friday, June 2, 2017

tipi in the wind

Another work day at the ranch. We got to work burying wire under the gate to connect the south side rather then have the east-west rails hotted up.

the inspector

Then it was onto the leaning shelter walls; I was the skid steer operator who held wall in place while the Prince pounded in small posts around each post to tighten it up. Worked a bit but really need to consider moving to more solid ground as the water pooling there softens the pasts holes.

Before coming in for lunch we moved a pile or posts in the Sanford area over beside the rails keeping all neat and together and making my mowing area easier.

Now after lunch was a bit more of a challenge. Once we got focused on work again we chose to set up the tipi. The first step was to find the 3 tripod poles and lash them together. Ok so far so good. Then to set them up.. this proved to be a 2 hour gong show during what seemed like a hurricane wind that picked up.

tripod poles

lashed together

laid in place but not working manually so skid steer time, I am the driver getting my instructions from boss man

who is going to pull the rope as well and hold door leg in place.. so go

pull HARD.... and SNAP

ok lift with skid steer and tie on a new rope

finally over 2 hours later it is up but it is in the wrong door direction and placement at the cradle ;(

As it got worse and we finally had 3 poles up and measured as per diagram, we headed into the barn where I googled set up details. It seems our door should be facing east and cradled between the 2 longer n/s poles which it was not. We tried to move around but the wind and the pole placement was not working with us. Time for a break.. to wash up brushes I still had from projects then a road trip to the plumbers to pick up PVC pipes for the polox goal posts. While we were passing thru town we grabbed Vietnamese takeout and headed home to eat late at 7:30. Britt pulled in soon after having ran to town for a spray tan after her work day.

It seems she had fallen asleep right after supper last night and awoke at 6:08 this am in a delirium as to where she was at and what time it was having no alarm set. Thank goodness for her internal work clock ;)

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