Wednesday, June 14, 2017

take your horse to work day

Today is a work day. Sheldon had coffee going and off to town to meet the rental neighbor to get deck replacement quotes.

the morning was crappy so the princess had her nap indoors ;)

I got to work on paint projects I had prepped, first up scrubbing down the little dresser and vacuuming and sanding the tops and drawer fronts. Once dry it was repair time and this poor little thing needed lots.

While I was in sanding mode, I finished removing the top on the chunky coffee table and stained it dark

Once back home and after filling his belly and resting Sheldon got busy working on the teepee setup. This kept him busy for most of the day

Britt arranged for her Dr Jordan to check Bird out today at the end of their day. Before jumping in the shower to load horses and run over I decided to vacuum quick. With one hand I went to fold down the drop leaf and quickly found only one was holding it up and the leaf smashed my hand down into the metal hinge crushing my pinky! OUCH

I caught Hawk and Bird and loaded them up and was off at 4:30 making a quick stop at Tim's for a tea for the ride. Britt and Dr Jordan pulled in right behind me with perfect timing. For the weather to as after we got inside it started to rain! For almost 2 hours she assessed Bird and did chiropractic treatments. It seems her back left stifle is fluid filled, S1 and C4 out, possible stomach ulcers just to name a few ailments. Hawk was a gentleman just standing watching the process only distracted when the feeding wagon went by ;)

Loaded up with a stack of drugs I got the horses back in the trailer about 7:30 and headed to Costco with Britt following. We made a quick loop thru there as well as picking up my 1000+ photos along with chicken finger dinners and again were back on the road. We pulled into the ranch at 9, unloaded the horses then Britt gave the intravenous and the oral drugs to Bird. I hauled in the groceries to the PJ clad Prince working on his laptop. Seems it had rained her a bit to.

here is the days progress on the tee pee

Look what came in the mail!! It is official and her marks came too, seems she was .04 away from graduating with honors, well done B!! XOXO

there also was a parcel for me, a prize I won in an IG contest, leather sunglasses case

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