Sunday, June 4, 2017

Polcrosse fun in the sun

There was a wee bit of a sleep in today before we got prepped for our first polocrosse jackpot play. We had snacks and beverages packed, Britt loaded fresh shavings in the trailer, tack checked and loaded then the 4 horses caught. Britt dosed all 4 with a healthy syringe of aloe vera juice.

I found $20 in this coat pocket, going to be a good day right?

We were out the gate by 10:30 goal. The tack up process took a bit including getting KD nearly complete for Shaina who arrived before noon to finish tacking her up.

A fun day was had in the 25 sunshine (perhaps warmer in the city) None of these photos are mine, they are all thanks to 2 great photographers, Thanks Scott and Krystalle

The relax social time after was lovely but by 4:30 we loaded up and headed home to release the beasts.

 seeing she did not like her bell boots, she is going to wear at home for a bit ;)

A quick bite to eat then it was out to build a fire, Darren and Sharon popped over for an evening of catch up. The weather turned ugly with a storm rolling in forcing us inside and the rain finally started as they were leaving at midnight.

Another busy but fun filled day! Time for a shower and bed!

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