Tuesday, May 2, 2017

another celebration supper

forgot to share from last night how to entertain a cat on its walk .. pick up twine along the way ;)

Sleep in day for all, Britt has today off this week. We took a drive to see the wee filly after 11;30 with a bit of detour to get there. The baby was enjoying the sunshine and curious to say hello. The rain that spattered thru the morning ended up rolling in as we headed into the arena. Britt gave Roy a ride after Jacquie, we had once last visit with Idol and the baby and jetted home by 2:30.

Grama and Papa arrived before 4. Visiting and a refreshment before we loaded up and were off to the city. We made a quick stop to the health food store to grab ulcer stuff for Bird then to Campers Village where Papa hoped to find something to use his gift card won in a lottery draw but no luck. Kaylin met us there, I even did a double take when I saw her as not used to her shorter darker hair that looks so cute on her.

We all then headed to Bolero's for an evening of feasting on barbecued meats. Very fun experience and celebration for Britt and my birthday days, Thank you Grama and Papa!! XOXO After 9 we said our good byes and headed home where the hockey game entertained some, Britt got ready for work tomorrow.

 these tulips from walmart are doing so well, no drooping, maybe it is the penny in the water.. and for only $4.98!!

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