Monday, April 3, 2017

sick day of sorts

It seems my cold progressed to achy bones, stuffed/runny nose and had me awake at 1 am. I could not get to sleep so watched a few more episodes till after 4

We awoke to the ground covered in snow and gloomy start to the week. I got the coffee rolling more help my throat then anything. My table customer was to arrive at 10 which she did with fair warning that today I was even more under the weather. Her pickup was quick.

Britt was up gave Coco a quick bath, pitched hay to horses for me and fed the cats before she was on her way. She took Coco along for a planned photo shoot and took the truck to mover her furniture home.

I crawled back into bed to watch 13 reasons. The sun did come out after lunch but was a bit blustery but eventually hit 9. I did take time to do a kitchen clean up after a couple cups of hot chicken broth. Time for soak in a hot tub and change into clean pj's. Bonus of a "sick" day. I did need to trudge out in the now non windy gorgeous evening with clean Pj's and wet hair to pitch hay. It was nice to get fresh air but it did make the cough worse. Time to sooth it with a fudgesicle and finish the last 2 episodes in the Thirteen Reasons Why series, another benefit to my "sick" day. Prince did not get home till after 11 today but was soon rattling the spare room walls with his snoring serenade in short order.

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