Tuesday, April 11, 2017

riding with the girls

Britt was up by 9:30 ready for coffee and the day.  I ran to Sharon's to borrow her iron for my vanity project before B and I worked together to draw Lola's blood to recheck her liver enzymes. Good to have a vet tech on duty! She had the report back later int he day once back to school that all is well!

Time to catch the horses. Shaina was on her way out to join us. Britt kindly had her brushed and tacked up for Dude to jump on.

The morning was a bit brisk at 7 but the sun came out as we were finishing up and eventually hit 12. Shaina and I tossed hay before A yummy bowl of soup for dinner. Britt was off after 1 for her appointment then back to school. Shaina and I visited a bit before she headed back to the city before 2. I finished up the roll top desk blog post.

Time to get back to work on projects. I ironed the canvas and assembled the seat.

I hauled in the now dry coffee table and staged quick while the light was good.

Now off to the garage to mix up paint and start painting the stool base another coat. Of course I found more repairs so glued and clamped and left to dry the one end. While getting a few tools from the shop I was so excited to find my organizing suggestions in full swing!

and I forgot to even snap a pic of the tool shelf downstairs, this is the one moved up top but look at every inch of parking room used too ;)

While it dried I got to work on the small roll top desk. Britt has chosen it for her birthday picking colors and everything. I spent a few hours disassembling it.

It seems someone has stripped 6 of the screws attaching the base and even after multiple hacks I could not get them so changed the plan to leave as is and affix the top another way. SO all the screws I took out went back in and time to scrub it up. Again repairs had to be made to the top. And with a lack of clamps I had to improvise ;) Baler twine and duct tape, a ranchers toolbox.

I finally walked away from the projects at 8:30 and fed the horses. Since they were fed late this worked well. Time to feed me too, hot soak and some more Downton Abbey ;)

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