Friday, April 28, 2017

a baby is born.. a filly actually

Britt has spent the last few days enthralled in the idea of purchasing an Australian Stock horse baby not yet born. Today she canon balled into my bed before 8:30 with a picture of the sweet little filly just born.

Needless to say the rest of her day was in a baby fever frenzy. Coffee and toast were had while the visiting continued. Candace was off to Edmonton for her conference just before noon with Britt and I right behind her heading south to meet the new filly. What a sweety she is and a fabulous mother Glen Idol is.Here is a link to her parents.

 look at her legs!

 and face ;)

We stayed about half an hour then headed into Okotoks viewing quite the setups along the way. Looking for a thrift store had us find a consignment store where Britt scored a few pair of jeans with one pair that had her jazzed, Rag & Bone. We headed to the thrift store where she found more, she is now stocked up for work jeans. I found a few great staging items too.

The next stop was a boutique to find Blundstone boots for work but her size was not there. We grabbed Tim's and ventured back home. The entire way home was spent coming up with baby names. We had quite the list by the time we arrived home.

Soon after we did, the magazine table gal arrived to pick it up. Yeah another piece out of the great room ;)

Britt was off to Calgary to meet Kaylin for a girls night leaving me to work on the blog, pitch a bale to the ponies, grab a bologna sandwich for supper and a cupcake for dessert then organize and record all my latest treasures. She did arrive home at 11 as I finished up season 2 of  Outlander and moved on to Riverdale. She changed and was off to town to meet Amber.. busy day for the B!

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