Monday, February 27, 2017

little visitors & a road trip to Olds

Monday started -15, brrr time for a hot coffee to get moving. Sheldon caught up on work update but does not head out tonight. Instead he is off to Calgary office for a couple days then heading north Thursday for the w/e. I uploaded the Saturday blog pics and got it posted before checking on the nightstand. Looks good ready for the next step but that will have to wait till afternoon as Ada and Archer arrived after 10:30. We had a fun visit before AJ was back around 1:30 to pick them up.

I worked on glazing nightstand while S trouble shot the outside lights that quit working.

The bedroom suite was picked up after 6:30 however one drawer had a poly drip so had to stay for repair but the rest was loaded and off.

I got packed up,meaning dog gear and sausage for B and headed to Olds. I had thought about going in the morning but it seems the car needs gas so best go tonight and fill without rushing.

I grabbed a tea for the drive and Lola and I were off arriving at Britt's by 9:30. The plan was to let her sleep in the garage but Steph needed to get her car out to go to her lambing shift 2-6 am so she ended up sleeping with B and I. Yep the big lug thought she was in heaven and Britt thought it the best night ever. Seeing she needed it cooler, B cracked the window. However her bed only has a thin quilt so by morning she and I were Popsicles and Lola was still panting ;)

yep this is B & I on half the bed while princess stretched out ;)

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