Saturday, February 18, 2017

cool down and snow

It seems it was a sleep lacking night with Coco again wanting out at 3:30. Lola who was inside since supper wanted out at 5:30 and put on a vocal patrol til I got out of bed at 8:30. Of course she then went to sleep ;) I had started a Netflix show called "Riverdale" last night so this am I carried on with more episodes. I took a break when the customers arrived at 11 to pick up their dining chairs. Britt was up then watching her Netflix "Bones" episodes.

A light dusting of snow fluttered around from around lunch through the afternoon and the day was cool hovering around zero. I primed all the bedroom furniture in the afternoon. The snow is now rain as it hit plus 1 but not lots. Time for a late lunch/snack of fresh guacamole (again thanks to Sheldon's veggie overage) and chips.  Now the temperature dropped and again and the snow began to accumulate, I am betting the roads are like a skating rink. Time to write up the chair blog then I headed out to finish the the last of the bedroom suite, the headboard.

SO crazy thing, my sephora gel nails lasted till today even with all the painting and scrubbing. I finally started to find a few area where I could peel. Wow, very impressed with it and the applicator, thanks again Candace ;)

I put a second coat of primer on all the pieces except the headboard and was finishing up around 8:30 when Brooke, Cassie and Amber arrived. It seems the girls are going to a house party later but spent a couple hours "visiting" here first and were off at 10. She was dropped back at home at 12:30 as I was still watching Scandal ;)

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