Friday, December 23, 2016

the perfect snow day

The perfect snow day began with coffee in bed, a bit later then normal but just as enjoyable. We were fogged in too. Britt was even up before 10 ;) She has a long shift starting at 12:30 today. The snow started around  11 and continued all day, no wind, just fresh falling snow!

Perfect day for a fire. The poker Vance made us came into use and worked awesome, thanks again Vance. We need to now order a long one for the outdoor fire pit. After a yummy bowl of soup Britt was off to work.

Later Sheldon headed out to work on the barn doors. I dressed up and took the cat food supplies back out then grabbed my trimming tools and trudged out to the field to work on more embedded bars on a few of the ponies. Now having awesome ponies that stand for this out in the middle of the pasture with no halter ect is great, the downside if a few rascals who pull tools out of my pockets and tug on my toque ;) Never a dull moment with these guys.

The snow was falling so perfect and pretty and the weather balmy at -4. I did head in and make a special coffee to deliver to the elf in the barn then headed back to enjoy mine in front of the fire.


the horses spent lots of the day playing, see how much snow was already down just in a few hours

Doors complete, Sheldon was back inside by the fire for a nap. I made some yummy shrimp alfredo for supper

Britt was home from work after 7, ate, got changed into her ugly Xmas sweater and was off after 8 to a Christmas party staying over with Amber for the night. Sheldon watched the Flames win then was asleep by 10 while I started Gilmore Girls series. The snow kept falling ;)

little Archer saying hi with his tubes

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