Friday, December 9, 2016

Sad news day

I was up with dogs, later then normal just before 9. However it did  seem one of the dogs had peed inside so I sent Lola out. Diego was not seeming his normal self and after I hosed the area and some cushions down I got him up and out. He seemed very weak and stumbly and had not 1 but 3 poops. Once I coaxed him back he was tuckered and shaky and had a fast breathing rate and not interested in food, this alone said he was not feeling well. Just totally off. I researched a bit with my coffee and after delivering a cup to Sheldon in bed I asked if he could go see him. Sure enough he agreed he was not himself. I brushed him and checked his temp which was normal but after calling to book a temp appointment, I decide to take him in. Sheldon got the car started and backed in and we loaded him up and off to town. He was a bit perkier once we arrived but still not normal. Vet Rand suspected and confirmed with an X-ray he has hemangiosarcoma, this is a tumour of the blood vessel walls and his is in his spleen as well. He said most likely he had a bleed thru the night that had him experiencing all his morning ailments.

Dr Rand says he is most likely not in any pain and the prognosis is unsure as to time but this is a aggressive malignant form of cancer. ;( We loaded him up in his favorite comfy car seat and started for home. We did make a couple stops to pick up a parcel and grab some lunch to go and the mail and back to the ranch. We got him on his pillow collection and settled in.

I worked in the garage finishing up the lazy susan with coats of poly after white details. I spent lots of time sweeping and tidying out there to keep them company. Sheldon gave D a good brush then ran back to town for a battery for the merc.  I also put on hamburger for soup for supper. Britt arrived home after a crazy day having a flat tire then car starting issues finally around 5. We held off telling her the bad news until she got home but soon she was changed into other clothes and set up camp in the dog pen. He did perk up once back home and given ice cubes to rehydrate. I made them both a fancy soft/hard food supper and he ate well with Britt hand feeding him the last of it ;)

The other 2 girls arrived after 7 to spend the night and visit with D. At one point all 3 were grooming him and he was so happy. Soup break and back out off and on ending with Victoria Secret fashion show. Sheldon caught some hockey but was sawing logs by 9. I started watching How To Get Away With Murder at midnight.. what?? Britt was out hanging with D then too.

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