Tuesday, December 20, 2016

2 more horses trimmed

9 on the nose, up and letting Lola out, not because she barks but because I know she has been very patient spending her 11 hours inside a warm garage when the chinook continues. Low was -3 last night. I have the kids table set pickup set for 10:30-11 but as I got out of the shower he text he was here! Well, better late then never they say ;) I helped him load it and he was on his way.

The rest of the morning was spent wrapping presents and checking my list twice and getting them under the tree. Yay me! Britt drug herself upstairs around 11:30 again claiming she never slept as feeling a cold coming on. Hot lemon and honey and she was back downstairs.

pretty healthy lunch I made

I did rustle her out to help me with a couple trims as the weather was soooooo nice (+5) and sunny and not much wind. We even took Pepper and KD for a loop around the pasture with the others following along before the trim. She actually is more of a dog wrangler then helper but did pick hooves out and rasped Pepper's back two, thanks B!

As we headed back in, the wind picked up, good timing it seems. The snow of course is all melting so the nuclear Christmas look may be a reality. The custom ordered ruler was picked up around 7 pm. Think I am all in the clear now for orders and pick ups. Wait, nope, another fellow plans to get a ruler this week.

Chatted with Shaina briefly to see how things are going, lovely and warm as I suspected ;) They say there are 2 shortest days of the year in Calgary and today is the first with tomorrow, winter solstice the 2nd. On the upside they will all get longer now!!

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