Wednesday, November 30, 2016

back to fog ;(

Last day of November started all fogged in and chilly and stayed like that most of the day. I could not quite stay awake for the last 26 minutes of the season 4 finale of Nashville last night so did so first this this morning. My first paint giveaway ended at midnight so I did the draw. It actually went to the 4th person as the first 3 did not actually follow the entry rules which is crazy as it is so easy but the winner was a fellow painter from Saskatoon so was nice to see him win. He called me and was so excited saying he never wins anything!

A bit more marketing then time to get out and work on the end table before the kids come. I made a wee bit of paint & touched up one door then gave it a coat of antiquing top coat,which requires quick work or messy marks.

I sold our tassimo so the gal stopped to pick it up around 12:30 and soon after Amanda and the 2 little ones arrived. She dropped them to hang out with me this afternoon while she was helper mom at school. We had a fun snugly afternoon.

 look at these faces <3

Another gal stopped to pick up this mirror. Since I was in the house, I managed to haul some decoration boxes up and will get started once kids are off. AJ was back with Asher before 3:30 and after a quick visit was off home.

Back to the garage for a quick clear coat on the end table and reinstall hardware then some creative sea glass looking jars.

The tree called for ribbon as I want to break up the decorating into sections. Ribbon placement as my family knows can take allot of time as does tree decorations with an OCD momma ;) I bubble wrapped the round table to send with Paetz's to Oyen on the w/e hopefully.

After chatting Sheldon up and hearing about his 12 course meal for supper, my tuna sandwich seemed lacking so I made spaghetti ;) with sauce. The day was a complete opposite for weather then yesterday, staying a brisk -6 most of the day and fog off an on. It did actually start to warm up to -4 around 10 pm as snow started to lightly fall.

here is Britt and her two roommate's Christmas card!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

beauty day

So I found a new time Netflix works well, even better then till 1:30 last night, 7 am! I watched 2 more episodes as the sun rose and the day began.

In the garage I worked on staging the dresser but the bright sunshine (not complaining) was a challenge but with papers taped in windows and strategic body placement I snapped these pics. Then it was time to post.

so here is my sweet little staging set up and here is the same picture cropped below

and it is all just the little backdrop clipped to the entertainment unit on the dolly which makes it uber easy to move both around as the dresser has casters too

I could then put all away and get on with the next project, the end table sold as solid wood but actually is press board and laminate ;( SO I chose to use it as an experiment piece. It had a home made pull out tray added to the inside and some cup hooks too, such customized handy work, not. This all was removed and given a good wipe down after vacuum. First coat was yellow milk paint with bonding agent to get a good stick.

The garage required a good sweeping. The day was a beautiful sunny day hitting +6 but sure felt warmer when I went out to feed horses apples and give Switch her supplements. Since it was so nice I picked feet then went to grab the trim bucket and took back most everyones bars. We really have the best horses. I can pick and trim without catching or haltering and they just stand. I even picked out Pepper's while he was laying down ;) Mind you I filled the salt tub so some of the curious ones licked out the empty bag and hauled it around and continued to dump my trim bucket but still in the group just hanging around.

 Switch's sarcoma update pic

I hand and power sanded the end table and gave it another coat leaving it dry overnight. It was then back to marketing, a hot soak and some netflix.

Monday, November 28, 2016

store restock

Off on the plane early was the Prince. I had a busy morning getting loaded for the store restock and pet care including horses, the two crazies put on a show like always while the other tubbies watched.

I also worked on the dresser, starting with a drawer repair, then power sanding it back to an aged look fitting of how old it actually is. I gave the hardware a coat of white paint too.

Then it was time to race to town, pick up Monica and get to the store. Darn the luck only 2 pillows of hers sold yesterday. We rearranged the entire booth in two hours, whew! It looks fresh and new once again.

It was a race back to meet a gal at 3:45 but it seems arriving at 3:40 had her leave ;( Well time to eat, finally so I grabbed KFC and scooted home to chow it down. The dresser got white waxed, buffed and the knobs put back on. I even set up a staging area and will try pictures with daylight.

Through the evening I tried to get online and do a cyber Monday order, update my ads and and blog but it seems the other 10 families must be on too ;) Eventually they must have went to bed, I got order in after 11 and could finally watch Netflix at midnight ;)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

foggy greycup

We were fogged in solid again today and it stayed for most of the day. It made for a good day to do inside things. Besides marketing and promo of the big sale there were a few home improvements made. We installed a super cute shadow box jewelry holder I scored from Shaina in last year's Chinese gift exchange. There may be a few holes in the wall behind it as it proved a bit of a challenge  to hang for my handy man.

so happy to display more of my favorite pieces, my Grandma W pocket watch, Grandma B necklace, some pretty glass from Italy, larimar bracelet from Dominican, a funky mineral stone pendant I bought online and more pretties

He started putting together the lighted angel we received last year. It required a trip to the box to get the instructions even and finally with my help we got it put together in under 3 hours, whew. And she is huge, as tall as me but not so steady. Luckily Sheldon had a 4' long 2X10 and I had some red paint on hand, I made her a sturdy base and just before grey cup started it was dry and assembled on. The fog did let up a bit in the afternoon but was back not long after.

this looked odd once I came around the corner so we unassembled her torso and reversed
 to get this, yes much better

Of course, it was football Sunday, one of Sheldon's favorite days so he got allot of it in including the grey cup but sadly Calgary lost in over time ;( I tagged all my new pieces going to the store tomorrow while he watched the game as well as cooked a great supper (which he fit in quickly with TV muted in kitchen).

check out the cat wrangler ;) this is a rare moment worthy of photo proof

Saturday, November 26, 2016

manning the store!

Today is my day to attend the big sale w/e at the "store". I was all loaded up and ready to go by noon. I jumped in with Monica and we were off. The day went fast at the mall with the big sale going on.

We handed out mini cupcakes to customers from our booth supplied by a local cake maker, thanks Glorious Cakes. Britt drove down to see the store, say hi and grab her new scarf. She had to stay this w/e for dog wards but made the trip between chores. She also managed to sneak a stop at Cross Iron in too before heading back.

Lori and Krystalle came to say hi too, thanks girls appreciate the support. Mom messaged from Havre to get an update and wish me luck, thanks Mom!

At the end of the day I had only sold 2 things and 2 during the week but I am now 10 items less then I had to date.

The mall closed at 6 with a vendor mixer after. It was nice to meet many of the other vendors and hear the malls plans. They signed for another 5 years so if the store works it might have a longer run then we planned. We loaded up and headed home arriving back at the ranch about 8:30.

Sheldon had enjoyed his day off relaxing with sports but he did manage to run a hot wire along the Xmas lights to stop nibbling ponies and he brought in the Xmas tree and stood it up.  He also made trip to town for a few errands then back to football. The Vanier cup was playing when I left, Doug A's son was in it so that made it more interesting for sure. They did however lose. We caught up on PVR shows before he fell asleep and I watched a few Netflix Nashville's