Thursday, November 3, 2016

18+ out Nov 3

Today feels like a Monday but it is actually Thursday . Sheldon had it off as a bereavement day so it was coffee/creamer surfing to start.

 My plans to get back to work started with marketing posts and such but the internet was not wanting to work well today so best go to the garage. Today was create the fresco finish on those 2 end tables.

here is the plaster like mix made up and put on

Just before lunch, a gal messaged dropping off a parcel for Shaina so Sheldon met her at the gate where he changed the close timer to a much better shut time and added some spray foam to the power box to keep a mouse family out!

The day was simply gorgeous when the horses came for water I gave switch her pills and flushed the sarcoma. I was going to head out and plant tulip bulbs after I had a bowl of soup for lunch when I got a text I was missing my massage appointment! Yikes, I quickly headed off to town to catch a 30 min massage. I had a parcel in to to pick up, yep more paint ;) Before coming home I made a stop at the recycle and scored some glass pieces. My car says 21 which seems a bit higher then the for sure 18! Wahoo

Sheldon had finished his soup and collected up the old oil and trash and was at the dump when I headed home. He continued to town to restock the beer supply, meet with Gary for a coffee and check on the roofing at the rental before getting home with takeout for early supper. Yum and thanks . I went back to work on the tables and seeing it was such a nice evening, Sheldon hung the deck gate, finally. (With a bit of help from mwhaaa)

here they are painted white over the green

the deck gate ready to go.. and D wanting inside.. what a tit ;)

drill and measure and drill some more

and once dry I sanded the tables.. right is sanded left is not

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