Sunday, October 9, 2016

road trip celebration supper

Today's trip to celebrate Thanksgiving in the Hat had us at the gate waiting for Kaylin and Shaina at 10. They parked inside the gate, jumped in with us and we were off, first stop to get fuel then load up on teas and hit the #1 east. We arrived at Grama and Papa's at 12:30 and had a great afternoon of visiting. Candace came over soon after to spend the day with us playing games and catching up.

Darren, Annette, Brooke and Morgan arrived just as we were dishing up around 5:15. We had finished up when Brendan stopped by on his supper break. Perfect time to capture these quick pictures before he ate and we were getting ready to load up and head west at 7.

Of course the route led thru Tim's for the dark ride home. The girls were off from the gate about 9:15 and Britt was off not long after loading up her stuff and heading to Olds for her early cat ward shift in the morning. Sheldon caught the Blue Jay highlights before he hit the hay and I watched Good Wife for a bit waiting for Britt to text she arrived safe around 11.

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