Monday, October 24, 2016

My Store goes live!!

I forgot to say Britt received another scholarship, this one from our local county, yeah B!!

Foggy start to the day again, Sheldon let the dogs out then ran to let Oscar out before he put on coffee and crawled back in bed to enjoy. I worked on the last minute tagging and boxing of my treasures. Today is the big day, the store front will become a reality. We loaded up the trailer at 10, Britt kindly manned the door to wrangle pets while we did the larger items.

I took a bit of time to rub black wax on the now much drier bed frame of Kaylin's and did half the headboard to see, looks better but no time to finish. A turkey sandwich lunch then off to town around 11:30 to stop and load my partner Monica's wares before heading for Airdrie. Britt was getting ready and left after us for her massage and heading to Olds later in the afternoon. Yesterday it was another 14 day but today hovers at 0!! Brrrr

We arrived at the Airdrie Antique Mall just before 1 and soon had it all unloaded and starting to set up our 10X8 space.
you remember the before
 empty ready to roll

 and DONE!!

In 2 1/2 hours we were done. Thanks to Sheldon for all his carting and help getting us there then running to grab us a tea! XOXO Once paperwork was all done we were off. Sheldon and I stopped at Costco on the way by and managed to find more boxes of groceries including fresh shrimp for supper. Back at the ranch, stuff loaded back in the house I got busy marketing this new venture while Sheldon cooked up the shrimp with a side of sauteed zucchini and fresh mushrooms and salad. It was yummy. He was off to sports room and me back to the computer to direct people to the new venue. I also updated the last 3 days on the blog so you are all up to date.

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