Friday, September 2, 2016

supper in the city.. at the girls house

Sheldon took today off work to give a 4 day w/e, great idea. Coffee in bed started the day before my yellow cabinet neighbor stopped to pick up on her way to Olds. Sheldon ran to town to a bank appointment

I got started on the custom paint sleigh bed, more filling, sanding and scrubbing, it seems the foot board was used as a dog gate, wow lots of scratches

Britt rode counting the last few days she can get in her daily ride

Grama and Papa arrived around 2:15 getting in a quick visit before Britt was off to work for 3. We all loaded in "sadie" and headed to the city.

Of course we hit hail on the way in but no damage. Sheldon dropped Grama and I at Costco while they went to Tims for a coffee. I did my quick returns and loaded the cart and soon they were back to pick us up. Our next stop was to the the girls new house for supper. Shaina had made goulash which went well with my garlic bread and Grama's fresh Taber corn.

We had a nice supper and visit and loaded up after 8 to head back home and let the girls carry on with their evening concert plans. Thanks ladies, it was a lovely supper! We pulled up to the house as Britt was heading out to meet her friends for a bon voyage get together for a couple hours. The visiting continued for the evening. Putting the dogs in I watched the most wonderful northern lights, they were just putting on a great show minus the coyotes hassling poor Lola.

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