Saturday, September 24, 2016

last polox tournament w/e day 1

This is the last tournament of the season and being late there are less people able to make it. This worked well for start times. Coffee was back on my menu today ;) We do not play until noon today so even though up early getting stuff together we actually did not pull pull of the yard with 4 horses loaded until 10 am. The weather was horrid with a strong breeze but coming from the north it did push behind us for part of the way.

 Pepper wanted to take a snack along for the ride!

Shaina and Brad met us there and it was a quick tack up. Our local 4-H club had members there to check it out so they popped over to watch tack up before the games started. Switch was curious about all the horses but did not care for the rubber bell boots affixed to her feet. Seeing the field and the other players for her very first time was a bit overwhelming but she worked thru it pretty well getting better as the day went on.

Sheldon and Brad ran to Okotoks to grab teas and Edo for a late lunch.. at like 3 tailgate around the smarty car! Britt missed as she was umping, Shaina had umped earlier when I goal waived and the boys ran to town.

so fast she is a blur ;)

The girls played A opposite my D games which made it good for Sheldon and Brad watching but did not allow for me to take any photos of play. Sheldon captured the photos over the w/e, (almost 300 but pared them down) thank you Prince.

The day got much warmer and no wind mid afternoon and was fabulous. We enjoyed supper catered by Opa and a short visit before loading the horses and heading home at 7:30 as the sun was setting and temperatures were quickly dropping. No sleeping in the trailer tonight. The horses were happy to roam and eat to their hearts content back home too. Unpack, hot showers and some Game of Thrones rounded out the full day.

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