Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fun Jackpot day - lots of pictures

Polocrosse was back on the calendar and fingers crossed the weather cooperates. I was up early made coffee and served the prince in bed. I got Britt moving and soon she and I had snacks, drinks and horses loaded and out the gate by 9. Sheldon stayed home to finish the baling, he was just pulling the rake out too.

Shaina and Brad met us there and the day ensued. We did pass through rain but it let up and stayed away for the rest of the day. In true jackpot stable, the teams were drawn and each team played the others in 8 min chukkas.

 ALL these great pics up to here were taken by Brad, THANKS BRAD!

 Brad taking in his first polcrosse

Following the day's play a skills competition was held. Shaina took 2/5 of the challenges, way to go Dude.
 attempts at longest throw

sisters.. left false start at fastest pick right
 fastest pickup

 and on her try after successful pickup false start, Britt missed under pressure

 fastest combined skills winner

A hot dog barbecue and awards wrapped it all up and we had horses loaded and heading east at 6. The rain and miserable wind started as we crossed Stony. Gale force winds were blowing when Britt let the girls out and I headed inside. A headache had me in the tub then bed watching a few episodes of Good Wife. Sheldon was relaxing after his baling day having finished everything up and made 56 more making a grand total of 189 oat bales and 21 hay bales. The rain blew in hard later in the evening too, great it missed the successful day by all.
Sheldon\s shot of the day

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