Thursday, August 25, 2016

bit of cloud/sun/spitting rain kind of day

No sun to this Thursday morning awake at 7:30. It even sprinkled a bit but I got out just before it did to feed Switch and move all horses to the hay paddock. At 10:30 it did actually rain but short lived, Britt ventured out in it to move Daisy and Baby back off the hay, thanks B. I worked on the green chair having taken yesterday off the production line. But marketing never ends so it consumed most of the morning.
my recent brand rep shipment, best get some new pieces going

The sun came out after lunch which was nice to see although only 13 degrees. Soup making lesson for Britt, she wanted to learn her favorite hamburger soup so got busy chopping veggies and putting it all together. While it simmered for afternoon, she cleaned her room and I kept on the marketing and promotion. I also made 2 rhubarb pies to go with the soup. and waxed up the chair and staged

After our yummy supper, Britt caught Bird and Switch out of the hay pasture and pushed others back in paddock while I harvested and watered garden

look at this heavy crop in the making ;)

She and I then rode, it turned out to be a nice night with only small armies of mosquitoes. I continue to question their existence ;(

 check out the rainbow!

Once they were fed and put away I hit the shower and was putting the dogs in when Shaina and Brad stopped for a quick visit on their way to Vulcan, tomorrow they hike in Waterton, awesome!

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