Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Tuesday musings

Tuesday started out dreary, perhaps because my body feels like it ran a marathon this w/e! I had coffee brewing by 8:30 for Britt and I as she was up getting ready for her salon work shift at 9:30. I posted my blog, Creative Moments Facebook items and my bottle tree on a blue glass site which was a HUGE hit.

Sheldon was off early but only has a 3 day work week. I checked the rain gauge and found only 1/10th but will take it. I put another coat of grey on the end table till Shaina finally rousted just before noon. Once she had her two farm fresh fried eggs in her belly we headed out to ride. Again she took Baby along and even though stiff to start she loosened up quite quick. The hour ride passed quick with them untacked, released and Shaina off to work  before 2. I watered my new flower bed quick before coming in to grab a drink and snack.
 hahaha this picture was taken while loping so a bit wonky in perspective
 this one is at a walk
 just some bums I know ;)

Back to the end table; it has unique carvings which I hand painted a darker shade of grey to give depth and shadow. Next will be to seal and dark wax or glaze.. just to decide. below shows some wet and some dry grey
The day did hit 20 but being overcast it looked cooler until you were out in the humidity, glad it did not blow all day and dry up the wee bit of rain.
 alpine betony.. never knew of it before but I sure like it
I had brought in the last bottle earlier and left to soak so now cleaned it off, added it to the last spike, did some adjustments and filled int he base with mulch. Of course this is when the dark clouds rolled in yet again causing wind and had me shutting it down.. but it is officially done.. 8' of exposed driftwood covered in 90 blue wine bottles. A very successful vision come true, now to plan for the next couple ;)

Britt was home around 5 bringing another parcel, thanks Britt! Sheldon was close behind. B had to eat a hot dog quick as Grady picked her up on way to their ball practice. Sheldon and I enjoyed a steak supper as the rain never did roll in other then a few drops. The dogs love the newly groomed grass area and seeing it is damp and cool a favorite place to lie. No way says grass man, after a wee rest he headed out to install his dog deterrent fencing.

I worked on my end table touching up and then doing the first coat of poly.

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