Sunday, July 17, 2016

shiny windows & another antique dresser

Sunday started out sunny and beautiful, I sat on the deck with my coffee in the sunshine, no bugs, admiring the lush green yard. Poor Britt came up feeling achy and flu like, some essential oils and supplements and she slept on the couch for the morning. I donned my hat and deadheaded flowers and picked more dandelions for my Switch. Sheldon caught up on w/e sports inside but eventually decided to try the new window squeegee. It did not start out so well but after a bit (and my demo ;) he got the hang of it and made the windows look so much better on the outside.

While he continued work on this I got started on the dresser now that I had my paint. My plan was to do the base a dark blue then top with a green blue and hoped it would chip

old pieces always seem to have so many drip marks, but if you sand the milk paint will adhere different so I am hoping it works with the old theme
 so for coat 1 I mixed the federal blue with extra bond for stick
 but I think I made it to thin and it ended up like glaze, see above
 so for the drawers I mixed it thicker, again above
 but this is how first coat dried and the upper edge is the thicker coat
 extra bond may make it lighter color too

At 1:30 we took a break to watch the long round of the rodeo live. I cleaned a few inside windows and dam they look great. The poor rodeo was ran in a mud hole. The weather changed here too becoming overcast and dreary.  At 4 I headed out to feed the girls their herbs and it was not long after that the rain came down here giving us another tenth of moisture. Time to get back to the dresser.

for the 2nd coat I crated a custom color, what do you think
 here it is next to the blue on drawers
 and dresser
At 6, we watched the $100,000 short round fitting in a steak supper with fresh new Hutterite potatoes and beets, so yummy! When the chucks started Sheldon and Britt headed back down to TV room and I finished up the first coat on sides and 2nd on front after sanding them.
I am liking it ;)

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