Saturday, July 2, 2016

mulch work

Day 2 of the landscaping project; today adding mulch. Once again we were out by and ready to roll just after 9:30. Britt was off to work at the salon for a 10 am shift.
Today's work starts here, I filled all the sink areas with top soil ready to cover in mulch
The smoothed hill with a now great view from patio to fire pit had some raking and areas added to as well
Prince brought up a couple more loads of top soil to garage side area
And more top soil and raking on the other side too
The area outside the new flower bed needed one last back blade and top soil added to smooth it all nice

The dump trailer had the top soil loaded on the back and the mulch at the front. We carefully dumped the remaining top soil in a pile neatly for future use and moved a bit ahead and dumped the mulch. This required lots of hand shoveling to keep both piles as true to each as possible. Whew, time for a cold beer and a bowl of chili on the deck before undertaking the mulch process.

Then the task of hand bombing the mulch from the trailer to quad trailer to flower bed and raked level, ahh so lovely. Once the flower bed was done we moved on to existing tree bases, some needed a good weeding some had a nice bare area. They too looked awesome when finished. Not sure why we did not do this when we first planted so many but it is all a progressions, right? I have to say I also love the smell of wood chips too ;)

We did as many trees as we had mulch for which was 12, looks like another full dump trailer load and more might be needed to finish up. I moved on to moving my chicks and hens while Sheldon sprayed more weeds. A brief rain squall chased us up to the deck for a break and cold beer but soon the wind picked up moving us inside. Britt was now home from work and grabbing groceries and kindly put a pizza in for supper. I grabbed a piece and hit the tub for a long soak for my tired bones. Britt was off to hang out with Josh and Sheldon  relaxed, scrubbed up and Internet cruised eventually nodding off . The evening did turn around but we did not head back out but rather I actually had a short rest with a headache after watching Netflix then resumed till late. Britt was home around 12:30 and not long after I put the dogs inside for the night.

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