Saturday, July 30, 2016

another crazy day

At 5:15 I was awoke to chairs bouncing across the deck and thunder rolling, soon rain started. I had left garage window open as so hot in there for the dogs so closed it, let Lola out and put Coco in her kennel. Sheldon was up after 8, getting Lexi and putting her and Coco out and throwing on coffee.

Shaina was to be at work by 8 but it seems she had heritage days flu. Kaylin and Brad were up not feeling the best either but all chuckling at poor miss Dudie Ralph pants. She did however head to work after 9. Brad kindly took Shaina's black dresser back to the city with him and Kaylin not long after she left.

Sheldon enjoyed his coffee on the deck again. Britt and I headed out to hose Shiloh and give him his injection. Sharon stopped on her way home from the parade with Vaseline and bute which Britt gave him and put on.

 look at linden grow!
 IM meds
 and an apple as a treat ;)
 Sheldon on the deck doing a foot comparison with D

Time to get ready now and head to town after 12 to get seated for today's rodeo. It was another scorcher at 25 but there was an occasional very welcome breeze.Sadly Shelby did not win rodeo queen but she sure looked awesome and did well.

 Nikki Flundra show always a hit and amazing to watch

Scott Schiffner rides hard but comes off before the whistle

Today's performance went longer with more things so there was not much time between it and the evening performance. Sheldon and I hustled back to the car for me to change into jeans and boots but I had just the thin tank top. This turned out to be a bad idea. Set up went super well but it was not long and the blue skies turn black.. And as much as the announcer said it would pass in 20, it did not. Instead it unleashed wind then a rain cloud that eventually drove us to huddle on the south side of a horse trailer or under the chutes or behind the scissor lift. The buckets of rain started to form puddles so they chose to cancel running of the bulls for the first time ever and wild pony races but planned to have chucks at 7:15. As it eased up a bit, I suggested we do the take down now rather then wait and by a miracle the rain let up. The crew once again efficiently took it down and again the rain started up. We all headed to the volunteer shack for a hot coffee/tea and beef on bun.

 all set up and ready but look at the clouds rolling in
 this is after the rain hit coming back out of hiding to take down

poncho built for two <3

Britt, Sheldon and I sloshed to the car and drove home where there was only 2/10ths of rain and some blue sky.. Of course. Sheldon who was soaked hit the couch in his fuzzy housecoat while Britt and I went out to give Shiloh his 2nd shot and give him a walk in the arena and apply more Vaseline . Not long later Sharon, Stan, Shelby, Ted, Grace all stopped to see the big guy.

Josh came out to pick up Britt and they were off to the cabaret by 10. Time to shower off another days worth of sunscreen and dirt then jump in my comfy bed and tell you a story of our days. I even caught a Good wife episode before running to town to pick up Britt at 1! Of course it started to rain again lightly as we drove home.

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