Sunday, June 26, 2016

river trip success

Sunday sleep in day, till almost 9! Perhaps because Lola was on a bark-a-thon and finally I had to put her inside at 2 so we could sleep ;) Anyway the sleep in felt good, Sheldon threw on a pot of coffee and fed the dogs as a mist started and soon it was actual rain. Perfect time to run pick up a free coffee table at Langdon, drop off load up Diego and head to the river. Today's search was for a neat post for my bottle tree. Crazy enough we found one within not long, Sheldon had it sawed in two and hauled up to the top of the hill in no time. Once both were loaded again and big D, we unloaded him again and hiked the canal as now the sun was coming out.

think this might be the one!
D kept heading down to the river requiring me to go down and guide him up the steep banks, lol
seems there are loading stations everywhere ;)

A detour to check out the local campground on the way home found Britt back from her ball w/e. Everyone was hungry so a late Sunday brunch was made for all to enjoy. Then the fun began again for the continued landscaping projects.. well for Sheldon and I at least. Before I headed out though I put the first coat of poly on the dining table FINALLY!!

The pea gravel process went well along the back with only a bit of sinkage in one area for the skid steer but it all looked good. Being wet made it easy to rake smooth. Next in order to dump the remaining we had to move some whiskey barrel planters and finally empty the last the the huge dirt bag into the wheel barrows. Then dump the rest close to garden as last area to add more too. I put one wheel barrow of dirt in the front planters where pets made divots. The afternoon was a balmy 23 and sunny but sure felt hotter when working.

All cars were moved and the big gravel piles were lessened by Prince and the skid steer  moving around the driveway, it looks great. 

I put another coat on table and was trimming trees when heard a honk from skid steer. It seems the horses I had let out to mow the shop area grass decided to trim the tasty new leaves off the poor little linden tree. Dam, and I had been keeping a close eye on them too, my bad. Sorry little linden ;(

The yard is coming together, can't wait to have it dry a bit to do the back flower bed and plant all the perennials we got. A late 8:30 supper found Britt sleeping on the couch. She had spent most of her day snoozing except for the lunch dishes she was "asked" to wash up and tidy kitchen.

Shower and relax after another hard day at the ranch!

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