Tuesday, June 28, 2016

ride to rain

Britt work me just after 8 to say she was able to swap a salon shift tomorrow to work with Ty so needed to cancel massage and work salon today. She then went back to bed, lol. Time for me to get the table posted for sale and finish the blog post for it.

Great to have a visit with 2 of my girls over coffee followed up with a great conditioning ride and polox practice! Lightening threatened to the north but nothing came. Shaina and I then trimmed Baby yet a little more. Shaina brought her along for part of the conditioning too, think she was shocked to see Shaina ;)

Grilled cheese lunch then Shaina was off to meet Shannon at 2, Britt finished getting ready to head to work for 3-8 and I was out in the garage. The now dry dresser needed the top reglued on and I put on a new product called ultra grip on it then it dries for 12 hours.

I also scrubbed up this new end table picked up a couple w/e's ago. I may change my painting plan after scrubbing it as it is a sweet solid piece with yet another Eaton's tag still attached.

Perfect 25 degree day to catch up on laundry. The new dryer drum works soundlessly! A bit of rain came thru around 5:30 but not long, nothing like the crazy hail and flooding at Okotoks. Sheldon took the truck to town this am for car pooling and picked up a load of top soil after work. He then had a massage at 5:30 so not home to eat with me until 7. The evening was lovely now the clouds all passed so he and D drove around to shoot gophers. I touched up the ultra grip in the portions the clamps were on and the legs that I forgot.

Lola patiently waiting to show Sheldon she found his hat laying in the yard ;)

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