Tuesday, June 7, 2016

31.. another hot spell

Today was yet another day in the hot spell hitting 31. It was 24 by 10 am. I worked in the garage painting a ruler ordered and shellacking over the white paint on the table that now has worse grease marks showing thru ;( and needed a fan, it was hot in there.

Mom and Ada popped out after dropping Asher at school at noon. We ate a sandwich then headed out for a "hike". It was a hoot one so all were happy to head back to the A/C house. Ada made forts and ate treats while gran learned new iPhone tips and I folded the dreaded laundry.

 Lola half way down a gopher hole
We all loaded up and headed back to town to pick Asher up from school. Of course Ada fell asleep on the way to town so I ran a couple errands while Mom stayed in the A/C truck with kids but Ash helped me at the dollar store. The aisles of candy they have makes for a very hard decision. Back at the house we all walked to the park taking Samara too.. Holy moly the heat was crazy but we did it as well as circling the lake too!!

Back at the house it was supper time for the kids while waiting for Sheldon to join us. He ran late today at a course. Luckily Craig had some spare clothes he could borrow for a couple hours as dress clothes in 31 degrees is a bit much. He did have to wear his dress shoes and socks but was ok with that. We were at the crosser field 1/2 an hour early so took a quick run thru DQ to get a bite to eat, thanks Mom. It was then time to get back and get the soccer girl on the field.

  spider man above and Harper encouraging Ada

The heat and tons of exercise had everyone tuckered so once the kids hit the tub, Sheldon and I loaded up and head home by 7:30. The wind was now blowing like crazy, severe thunderstorm warnings produced nothing but dang wind! I fed the dogs and Sheldon hit the sheets, he was sleeping by 8:15!! I had a soak in the tub too to remove the days sweat, continued laundry while catching up on some Good Wife episodes ;)

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