Tuesday, May 24, 2016

50 acres seeded

Farmer Prince was up at 6, made his coffee and out seeding by 7. Looks like a great day to take vacation and get the seed in. I looked out to find all 7 horses laying down for a nap. By 9 he was back at the shop cleaning out a plugged hose. I became skid steer operator lifting the pallets of oats and seed up for him to refill. The bucket system seems to be more accurate then last nights version ;) Britt was up by 8 too and after coffees and breakfast was off to her 9:30 shift.

 my view from inside skid steer

When he headed back out just before 10, I moved temp fence to let all the horses out except Baby to be on clean up crew. The sun was out full swing making for a great morning. I had a coffee while supervising because they only ate oats for a bit and then wanted to venture to get the long lush grass and alfalfa growing around shop and trailer.

Once I got them back in corresponding  paddocks I gave baby her exercise then took the dogs for a walk to gate to snap seeding pictures and push in road markers along the way. Back to the house it was time to reload the seeder yet again.

Kaylin and Lexi stopped out at noon to drop off a few things in her room, a surprise pack, say hi quick and get back to the city after her doctor appointment. I made a hefty dagwood for the farmer and walked it and a cold beer out to the field. I brought in the yellow table to do a final coat of poly where it was warm as the garage has been chilly last few days. This should be the last coat, now to dry and stage. But of course it was not, I fiddled and put 3 more coats on the top.
 this is yet another surprise pack from the Sephora Queen..

I helped with another refill then got my does of vitamin D, sunny 15, fertilizing all flower beds and fruit trees and cut off the trunk protectors. Fingers crossed Lola is totally over her beaver years ;) To use up the oats, Sheldon did a few strips in the other original hay field too.

 Britt was home after 4 and headed out in the sunshine to to ride before heading to baseball.

And then with the remaining grass/hay seed he seeded the winter pasture too, fairly productive seeding day, and just time as they say more rain on the way.

 I staged up the yellow set now that it is dry

Britt was pretty stoked to take the truck to ball. I hiked out to the winter pasture where Sheldon had driven the quad with fuel and brought it back to the house excersing the dogs yet again.

 and I gave Lola a 10 minute brush.. seems she may need the other side done too ;)

12 hours and 50 acres later, Sheldon pulled back in the yard. After he unhitched the tractor I backed in the truck, we hooked the seeder up and took it back to the rental place. He pegged off a couple more gophers as the barbecue heated and finally we ate a late delicious steak supper in the AMAZING sunny no bug perfect temperature evening! Another great productive day for all at the ranch, now bring on the rain.

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