Sunday, April 3, 2016

practice for two ;)

Crazy to think this is Sheldon's last w/e to work for quite some time, but it is also the last seafood feast too and maid/chef/unlimited treats so always pros and cons ;) And there is a long list of chores waiting him, HA!

I was up trying to market this house full of painted furniture. Britt finally got up around 11. After having a coffee, we made up more food for Bird and she tried to feed it to her. Again she only ate a bit, what a rail!
After lunch we went out to ride, first set was Bird and Hawk, however Hawk hated the polox practice more then ever so it just was mostly conditioning. Next we caught Daisy and Pepper but Daisy turned up lame so B rode Pepper in paddock for awhile while I put buckets of new soil in the planters. Grass is turning fast and new shoot are coming on all the plants ;) YEAH! I also threw in a couple loads of horse laundry since the gorgeous +16 sunshine was perfect for drying.

Britt showered.. then went to town to hit the patio at OJ's for a bit then the gym before returning home for a late supper. I took the dogs for a good long walk then continued progress on poop scooping and tree trimming, what a beauty night!

Seems when she got home at 7, she skipped hitting the gym ;) I cooked us supper and by 8:30 she was off to Superman VS Batman movie with some friends. I watched the Juno's since in Calgary, kinda cool.

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