Sunday, April 10, 2016

no wind but no practice ;(

NO WIND but it hit -2 overnight and was a brisk 0 upon waking. Of course there cant be a perfect day right as today was to be Rocky Mountain polox first outdoor practice. Connie called it off at 10:30 as the temps only hit 5 by then even though it was so sunny. ;(

I brought in the now dry green chair, staged and posted and wrote up the blog post for it too.

Time to get changed into paint clothes and get started on this rocker and ottoman set for the customer. The spray process begins.

Britt arrived home at 9 to be sure ready to roll for practice so once cancelled went to bed after another hard night out.

Sheldon putzed around watering trees, shooting gophers and tossing a bale to the horses. He made us girls a tuna sandwich for lunch too!

After lunch I was back at the spray painting and blue chair, it got a white glaze added then another coat of clear outdoor poly. Sheldon worked on installing the last part of the dividing wall.

 and he swept the tie stall area clean
I passed my Country Chic blog rep first 3 project test and was asked to stay on for the rest of the year. This allows for another order of color and products so that was a fun break to choose. I flogged Britt to head out and ride Bird around 3:30 after tossing in a load of laundry. First she had to wake them ;)

I put another coat of poly on the tropical chair and brought it in to snap with the group before the dresser left
The dresser was picked up just before supper
We all enjoyed a scrumptious supper, after Britt went out and caught 3 horses (KD, Daisy & Pepper) and Sheldon and I tacked ours up and we all headed out for a great ride on a fantastic night.

silly Lola.. checking what the cats are doing up there

Back as the sunset, I put another coat of primer on the rocker set before hitting a hot tub and crawling into a cozy bed! The wind decided to pick up just before I fell asleep.. hope it blows away before morning ;)

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