Thursday, March 31, 2016

from overcast to gorgeous day

Up early .. like 7 am.. geez.. today started a cooler overcast day, still feeling like rain. I sure hope there is more. I got busy drilling new screw holes for the new hardware on the nightstands then waxed them up good and started the put back together process. Unfortunately my spray paints for the existing hardware did not come close to the shiny silver so will need some new ones it seems.

I had to just post a sneak peek of the bottom drawer after I hauled them inside.

I forgot to share my latest bunch of flowers I picked up yesterday. Under $5 at Walmart and the perfect brightener for a dreary day. ( and sadly my 90+ planted ones only show signs of 4 coming up!)
I started the chunky coffee & end table, theme south western rustic like this place sells

Many coats and after last of the colors were dry, I gave it a dark creme wax finish. This water based product may have been not the best choice but it sure made the pieces look even more south western rustic.

Now to leave all to dry and walk the dogs on this what turned late afternoon to a sunny and GORGEOUS +15 evening.

<3 only in the country can you walk your dogs off leash with polar fleece Xmas PJ's with a frosty margarita~ <3
 crazy clouds and some long shadows
Back at the house a long soak in the tub then to bed.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

lunch date

What a difference a day makes, today is overcast gloomy and overall miserable. I was awake early as usual so made some coffee and got busy. I had some salt and peppers sold and paid for and boxed up ready with prepaid mailing label by 9 am ;)
I headed out and waxed the 2 nightstands before loading up and off to town.
waxing proved the stain did not adhere well to the pine esp repair and fill areas ;( it did seem more like a wash or barn board on just one square.. boooo so they got painted over and left to dry
 After dropping the tax info off with the accountant I met Coreena for lunch. What a great 3 hour visit, the 2 girls have been let go from Encana so there was allot to catch up on. Thanks for the great visit Coreena, always enjoy it.

I then ran to Walmart to stock up on dog food and a few other goodies. Dropping off the package ordered this am and picking up Asher's birthday and Christmas parcel (yep I am organized on a few fronts ) followed before grabbing a tea and donut for the ride home. The day is another plus 15 but being cool windy and overcast it seems bone chilling ;(

Back at the ranch, I unloaded and got busy glazing the nightstands after waxing the drawer fronts again. OH MY how I always remember once I get going how I dislike glazing ;) but eventually after repainting and waxing or washing off a few portions I got it done and left it to dry!

We did get 10 sprinkles of rain at supper time ;( , pretty please, let it pour in buckets!

I perused Instagram and checked out a few blogs. So many ideas and inspiration. I had a good chat with a possible new paint powder I may be giving a go too called Poppies paint powder. At 9 it did start to rain!!! not a ton but it dripped in the tanks for an hour and was well needed and appreciated~~

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

last run north

SO today marks another change in ranch life, Sheldon was up early and off to the airport for his last run with Sunshine. He has accepted a new position starting up another plant, his forte! Again this requires lots of planning.. in the city for probably a year.. now city driving is not his forte but a side that must be done to get the new plant rolling.

What a gorgeous plus 15 day. I sanded the repairs and then got busy in the garage painting the matching nightstands. I went with grey hoping it is as popular as the dresser was.

While the paint dried I took the 3 dogs for a walkabout, so lovely in the sun and the grass is really coming, we just need RAIN!! PLEASE!!

Back to work, the under edges got painted too. I had scrubbed up the coffee and end table and now all repairs need to be made including recreating a missing corner.
At 5, I caught (easily) Bird and Switch and loaded them up. Both girls are out so need to see Murray. I made a quick stop to grab some "creamer" then dropped clippers off at Paetz's for Dale to take home. The kids came out to visit the horses before I was off to Murray's.

Murray's wife, Lynn, had quite a story of her recent injury and we visited for about an hour adjusting the 2 horses as we visited. I was off to the ranch by 7 in the amazing golden hour of sunset. I tried to get Bird to eat but she nibbled up a bit and then wanted with the rest. Time to eat, shower and enjoy some Netflix.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Monday

Easter Monday, last vacation day for Britt, well actually more of a study day as this week is filled with her finals. I made coffee and did some marketing before heading out to work on some new projects. I chose the 2 matching night stands, they got a big sanding as the tops being pine, were dinged all up. Once sanded down tops and drawer fronts, I scrubbed them well and left them to dry.

Lunch quick and I threw on the turkey carcass to simmer for the afternoon. Time to fill the drawer handle holes, a few wood filler areas and rebuild a corner I found snapped off. Shaina came out after her golf shift to ride. She rode Baby and ponied KD, Britt rode Pepper and me, Hawk. It was a blustery overcast day for sure but we got it done. Sheldon chose not to ride yet again and putzed around the shop.

Hot turkey soup was our supper before Shaina set off home and Britt for college. Final tests all week for B, Good Luck!! I had a hot bath and Netflix while Sheldon watched Flames win ;) I forgot to share these beauties from yesterday's supper.

funny face swaps

 2 cute Easter bunnies

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter Sunday

D needed a potty break at 3 am.. good grief then I was awake at 7:30. A little early to start Easter celebrations :) I did make coffee and relax a bit before putting a final coat of poly on the dresser.

Once dry, time to add the knobs back on, Sheldon helped me carry inside to stage and post.

Sheldon worked on taxes a bit more while Britt played games and napped ;) I put the turkey in and we waited for the two older girls who made their way home from Edmonton taking in a 2 evening concert this w/e.

Brad arrived before the girls who were running late arriving after 5. We enjoyed a nice evening of visiting and yummy food and of course the traditional Easter egg hunt.

After 8, teh city folks packed up and headed home and Sheldon and I caught up on some Vikings and Quantico. Happy Easter everyone!