Monday, February 29, 2016

winter returns on leap year day

Today we awoke to a full cover of snow and -10!, last night after Sheldon came in from his partial oil change (seems the filter he had was wrong) the wind began to howl and the fog rolled in making for a miserable night. But come morning the wind was gone leaving a cover of white fluffy snow.
This changed today's plan to pay the stall matting. Instead I did marketing while Sheldon put the scope on his new gun and organized his "collection".
I had a customer confirm and send an EMT for the jumbo chalkboard, now just to meet up with him.
After I made him a couple gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches he was off to town to swap out the renters.I got techy and added a Creative Moments Instagram account, and updated the blog icons, FB icons, Pinterest account details and IG accounts with this and other info with hopes to improve exposure. It seems many fellow painters are feeling the recession pinch and tough go of staying visible to customers.

He was back not long later and picked up a new end table too, thanks! He then ventured out after a celebration beer to sight in his new gun while I went out and sanded & primed the 2 windows and marked the ruler for painting. He rolled out another oat bale too. The sun finally popped out to start melting the snow and actually reached plus 2. (sorry the Hat was only -8 snowbirds)

After supper, Sheldon was off to watch hockey in the TV room taking a break to layout the bison hide and salt again while I continued to repost Kijiji ads and market photos via Instagram.

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