Wednesday, February 24, 2016

town run & man night

Sheldon threw on a pot of coffee before he headed out the door to drop his truck off to be detailed (Thanks Ma & Pa). I got ready and headed in after to pick him up at Tims where he had me a tea ;) and we ran a couple errands.. found heavy metal road marker stakes.. this should stop people from driving on the edges and one actually thru the curve ditch!

He waited outside in the sunshine at my Dr appt which was another long wait. Once finally done it was time to pick up his truck. He stopped for groceries while I returned home to do accounting until he arrived for a late lunch. He took to a nap while I ventured out to work on projects. He did get up and rolled out a bale, the horses however had other plans and headed out to the lawn where the dogs and I had to hustle them back into the nuclear pasture.  He then headed off on Men's "date" night before 5, dropping a bag of trash at the dump. Not a bad day for the Prince hahaha
I managed to get a 4 coats of poly on the dresser top, wax up the hardware and set in place, paint another coat of tropical cocktail, poly 2 coats and start spray painting the wheels white. Prince requested supper at 7:30 but there seemed to be a time change between town and home as he arrived at 8:30 to eat ;)  We tried starting a new series White Collar but he was soon asleep so I just read.

Happy Birthday Riley!

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