Saturday, February 13, 2016

garage work galore

Of course another early Saturday, actually it was much earlier for me when Diego barked at 12:45. He claimed he did not want out then so I shoveled the ice bergs out of the deep freeze and scooped out the water and headed back to bed.. however he decided at 1:15 he really did want out, so back out I went and sent him out waiting for his return. Of course sleep was no longer an option so I read for an hour and talked to Sheldon briefly while he was dreaming lol

Coffee  helped start the day. Britt was up and off before 10 to work a shift taking in the bottles when done. I finished up another of the craft frames finally and posted quick while Prince was surfing.
He and I then tackled the new hardware on the armoire which turned into 2 hours of fiddling and tons of measuring and affixing but in the end we had success.

It was now 1 and the Prince required sustenance so a lunch break ensued. But now that it was plus 4 we opened the garage doors and started the purge. A truck load of chair and shop oriented items were moved and organized over there. Back at the garage, all the recyclables were loaded and a ton of boots and goodies for the take it or leave as well. I have and keep posting loads on the bidding site starting at free to get more things out of there. Sheldon ran the load to town where a gal met him too for the box of vintage dishes Mom had sent as well and grabbed another 50 lbs of salt. He checked and added more thru the day once warm enough to start the curing process. I continued to sweep out the garage and rearrange, Plus 7 allowed for a good airing out and the garage is looking great.

Britt and Sheldon arrived back home about the same time around 4:30. She ate a pile of food and went to bed. He helped me move the jumbo armoire back upright so I could stage photos to post but to my horror one set was brass rather than the oil rubbed bronze. Sheldon suggested exchanging or leaving but I would not sleep having such a glaring difference so I concocted a plastic dam and sprayed the hinges to match!! Yeah!

 before.. after
Next order was remove backing from Shaina's broken mirror and cut broke portion off. My assistant helped with this after quenching his thirst from the chilly garage beer fridge. He then headed in to heat up some fish and chips while I tidied up the rest of the tools. Time to wake sleeping beauty from her 4 hour nap to join us for supper.
Shower and hope to fit in another Bloodline episode like last night once Prince gets his sports fill.

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