Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Plus temps - picture heavy ;)

Up early before 8 today, still dark but sun just starting to rise. It seems there was a bit of wind thru teh night so I secured the tarp back down with some firewood in my housecoat. Jacquie was  sweet calling to see if there was anything she could do for us and reminisce about Ju.

The cleaning girls arrived just after 9 and got busy making the main floor sparkle. I headed out with my coffee to work on the dining table. I worked on adding dimension with a couple colors of white after spending over an hour hand carving the paint out of the side scrolling. Whew.

As layers dried I worked on a sign that I had stained in CeCe Caldwell hickory over a soft yellow paint. Today I got to use the power tools again and cut it in half to make 2 signs. The one got hand painted HOME then heavy sanded and dark waxed.

 finished board on top, hickory over buttermilk milk paint and below is hickory on raw pine
I put the first coat of CeCe endurance sealer on finishing up just as the girls were finishing cleaning just after 1:30. Record time but I did not have the girls bathroom done ;) The temperature was beautiful today and since it was now PLUS 3, I took the dogs for an hour walk. They were so excited to get out and run and roll and snoop. The ponies shared they had no hay left and begged for a morsel so off we trudged thru the fluffy crystal snow to the barn where I tossed them a yummy bale.

 check out Coco's ears in these 2 pics lol

Switch  and Bird

Pepper and Baby, KD was to nosy for a picture with the big lens on

 Lola loves the snow and walks, I took pictures of the house from different angles.. for posterity and updates to additions and change

 Of course whenever outside, the cats have to join in walks and feeding, mouser Mitzy even wanted a few  pics

 Mr Jenkins always loves a good photo shoot

Back to the house for a cold drink before making a lasagna for supper. While it cooked I put on another top coat. Sheldon flies home late today and arrived at 6:30. We ate quickly then headed out to roll out a bale for the horses and lay Ju to rest with the others. I also threw on another top coat on before we tried to watch The Last Kingdom but stopped due to someone napping ;) I started Making a Murderer but did not finish episode 1 before shutting it down and going to sleep too.

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