Saturday, January 23, 2016

NYC gets shut down

Seems my evening last night was spent watching Netflix and chatting via instant messaging with Shaina in NYC. It was 2 am EST and she was at a Starbucks for wifi. Aaron had arrived safe and had come to walk her back to the hotel at 2:30, thanks Aaron! Did I mention poor Brad had his flight and back up flight both cancelled as he worked Friday so was leaving later? He is not missing the shit weather but would be handy to have along as he has been to NYC 2X before. I eventually got to sleep with the serenade of snores from my roomies.
color coordinated dogs and bedding ;)

Kaylin messaged in the am that NYC was being hit by one of the top 5 snow storms in history with an estimated snow fall of 20" today!! WHAT, and even though I did ask if they checked weather forecast and she said -1, neither took winter boots so hoofing it thru the streets is going to be a bit chilly even for these tough Canadian girls. Britt was up and off for her 10 am massage then to work at the gym 11:30-4!

I staged and posted the jewelry box.

Time to get the bright blue chair finished up with black glaze then brought inside to dry and snap few pics of new items.
 the free dresser.. it is vintage and wood, veneer but solid
neat little drawer organizer.. dont ask what was dried in drawers.. it is chipped off and good scrub will remove remaining mystery ;)
 the top is in horrible shape but should look great when done
 the funky 80's chair
 and the table Brandon dropped off
I spent the rest of my day and I mean most of it dissembling the chair and sanding it down to bare wood.. here goes .. Oh I tried to watch Making a Murderer while doing so but had to quit as sander to loud and show so slow
good bye hand stenciling and "gold leafing" hahaha

 this shows the bottom sanded well and how it removes all grime and paint (remaining in left corner)
and the top of the seat reveals old can marks.. more sanding needed here now till it looks like below and that is with back spindles all sanded too, the base is almost done too but not shown
The snow continues to melt with a high of plus 3 (hit 6 in the city), meanwhile in NYC the girls are basically at a standstill, Broadway is shut down as are many stores including Starbucks if you can believe. However there seems to have been a tattoo place open ... 
Shaina "chilling" in the big apple
a photo from Facebook

Britt grabbed a few groceries on her way home from work. She and I both enjoyed a quiet "show" night. I watched Scandal in a hot tub then tried a few more Making a Murderer..only 4 more hours to go ;/

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