Sunday, January 17, 2016

BBRRR colder weather w/e

Saturday was grey and even colder then yesterday with a high of -15.  We finished the last episode of Vikings season 1 with a couple coffees. The snow was lightly coming down for most of the grey day.

The entire day was spent very low key. I watched a good documentary called Wild Horses, Wild Ride while Sheldon did some computer survey then napped. He did take down the Xmas lights along the paddock as a couple naughty horses were pulling them apart and ran to town around 4 to grab Vikings season 2 from the Paetz house.

I whipped up some hamburger salsa and with it, some chips and a cold beer we started the new season finishing 8/10 episodes! Perfect w/e for this as the wind had picked up and fog rolled in and out making for a brisker evening. Britt said Olds was -26 and certainly a crappy weekend to be on dog ward. Walking multiple times a day in this weather was challenging, poor B!


Sunday the sun was blazing but it was colder yet. -19 overnight and in the morning -17. We finished the last 2 episodes of season 2.. now for season 3  as season 4 airs Feb 18. Sheldon ventured out in the cold to shovel the walk on his way to plug in the skid steer and check cat food. It woke him right up, I preferred to stick my hands in warm dishwater and tidy the kitchen ;)

Needing a new series to watch I checked Netflix and found Bloodline. We watched the first 2 episodes before Prince was napping again. After he awoke around 4 he went out to push some snow around as we had finally accumulated a bit. It was only a high of -15 again but sun makes a difference in how it feels. While he was out playing in the snow, I updated the blog and did some accounting. Before coming in he rolled out a hay bale for the excited ponies. I made this yummy avocado chicken tortilla soup for supper making a few easy changes like using the canned chicken from Costco which is pretty much chunky but breaks up easily.
The evening was spent watching 5/10 season 3 of Vikings! It was a perfect w/e to watch all these shows.. now for nicer weather they are calling for ;)

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