Thursday, October 22, 2015

town day

Town day, I was up and off at 9 to drop Coco at her spa day, grab the mail, hit the rummage sale, drop off AJ's sign and frames for Oyen customer Steve will take along before having my acupuncture appointment. I then managed to meet Sheldon for a quick lunch as he was off for dental cleaning and I met Amanda and Ada at rummage sale quick then picked up Coco and some drugs for Diego.. I was back at the ranch by 2.. whew!!

Sheldon was home soon after. This am he met with one of the fellows who replied to my ad for welder or carpenter but it seems he can do both so was hired and will start Monday. Sheldon had picked up a new motor in town and hooked it all up on the bale elevator, success!
 He helped me trim the chair board then I covered the seat with Olivia's new bedding material. I also snapped a few picks of my rummage sale scores.

Fairly quiet day on projects for us both but lots of errands for me and a new hired man for Sheldon. Another nice day reaching 15 degrees but is to go down for the w/e. Today is Mom and Dad's 49th anniversary, cheers!!!

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