Friday, October 30, 2015

Freaky Friday

Friday before Halloween, yikes. I was awake before 8.. go figure. Get dressed and put on some paint as a new customer arrived at 10 to buy the grey end table. It is off to new Calgary home ;)

Before she arrived I sealed the wedding frame again both sides. Once dry it will get put together and ready to roll. I am working on this candle holder too.
Shaina was up around 11:30 and has claimed the antique black dresser as her Christmas gift. I had her hold the mirror in place for a few photos then we moved it down to her room for now.

Jessie stopped at noon on her way by to deliver a project from Auntie Mindy and took back Olivia's chair, THANKS Jessie!!
Shaina was off for her 1 pm shift so I assembled the wedding frame, it is good to go, wedding not till next August though ;)

It was then time to cut the cork and glue to backing and let dry for Tash's frame. Britt pulled in at 2:30 skipping her last "lame" class in order to get home after such a long time away! pets, laundry and PVR were here entertainment for the rest of the day. She did fall asleep at 5 and miss supper but awoke at 8 to eat it ;)

I had to add another coat of sealer on the wedding frame as it did not feel quite right. I worked on marketing and put my first paid Facebook ad on today, lets see if it draws in any new buyers. The overcast 13 degree day finally found the sun peeking thru around 5:30 just before sunset and the wind picked up ;(

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