Wednesday, September 2, 2015

parcels and packages

What is up with this waking up around 7 every day no alarm clock.. geez!! ;) The day was sunny but WINDY and it blew hard all day long making it crappy to be outside. I did have to meet a gal for a art piece I bought in town so after a couple coffees I loaded up and was off.
A stop at the girls old elementary school to pick up Britt's artwork they presented back to her that has hung there since it was chosen in grade 4. I love this picture and will hang it in a place of honor. Liking my new art work too, need to find a spot

I have scoured the internet, posted on Facebook and called stores searching still for these elusive coveralls to fit the bean pole with zero luck but a friend did have safety ones she offered her. I picked them up, thanks Cheryl and found the pair another friend had found for her daughter at Walmart of all places but smallest was a medium.

Tupperware was dropped for warranty replacement, groceries and beer restocked, parcels dropped off and picked up had my first batch of Cece Caldwell Paint arrive. Michigan pine was the color I was given.. so not my go to color, going to need a brain storm to do something in it.
Dogs needed food so stopped to grab and spent far too long checking out things, ended up finding treats for the girls and made up "back to fall" goody bags for them all. Yes it was getting near lunch time :) time to grab a booster juice for lunch and head home to unpack.

I had touched base with Britt in am wishing her luck and she was up and ready hours early, when she called in the afternoon she was so excited. It was a great thing we had gotten all her books and goodies and got all registered at school before the rush of orientation day today. She has already met 5 nice girls in her program and loving the AHT lounge that has a resident cat and kittens. and stoked about embroidered work wear ;) I had posted looking for a mini fridge and electric kettle last night and it wasn't long before her tan boss replied she had a mini fridge and microwave too if she needed for free. This whole college thing is turning out to be uber exciting and fun!

As I was talking to Britt around 4 a HUGE dust storm blew thru with even worse wind however once it ended the wind started to go down. I ate early and took the dogs for a walk which always leads to more chores like feeding Julio & the cats, filled the big trough and as I was scooping never ending piles of dog crap, the sun broke thru for a most glorious evening. This encouraged me to keep going collecting more seeds and pulling out the plants, digging 3 more hills of potatoes all while I pumped out gallons of water on the grass and trees, in a flood watering effect. They are forecasting rain for next 4 days so might as well get some more out now. It was so nice to have such a pretty evening after all this wind even if it is dark by 8:30 now.
fall blooming flowers and part of my massive harvest coming along, thanks to BIL Craig for the seedling plants, I hope these cherry tomatoes ripen before the impending frost they are forecasting as well ;)
Oddly as I am typing up the blog and it is just after 9, I keep waiting for Britt to get home from work and while mowing lawn yesterday I was thinking she should be driving in from school on the first day!! Haha might take a few weeks to get thought pattern changed ;)

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