Tuesday, September 29, 2015

garage/mez/garden shed reorganize

Sheldon left at usual early time. I was awake at 8 ready to get busy. Today I plan to reorganize the garage, mezzanine and perhaps some more. Coffee got it all started. I rearranged furniture and made a huge improvement, yeah I swept to and hauled all items to mez, storage trailer and garden shed.
The custom dresser got more sanding then a super scrubbing, hosed clean and left to dry well

 look how the old dirt and such washes off thanks to TSP and hand scrubbing
Julio got fed and foot soaked then did some mowing. Later in the afternoon when I put him back with more food, I hosed, treated and fed Bird then let everyone back in together. A vet had called to say that most likely the abscess is part of past founder, white line disease and cushing's and most likely will reoccur ;(

The next makeover was up in the mez, it looked awesome when done, another big yeah!!

The garden shed got an update with a shelf I hauled from storage trailer and moved lots of garden goodies in there making another organized space.
The day was gorgeous yet again, no wind, lots of sun and high of 21. After hosing Bird I quickly changed, loaded up Gail's goodies the picker dropped off here (along with Britt's hospital scrubs for her to take back when working there and some barb wire) and was off to town. I dropped her stuff off on her deck then met Grama and Papa at the golf course for supper where Shaina was our great server again. It was a good catch up hearing about their vacation. Then they were off to home, Thanks for supper G,P & S!!

I stopped at Amanda's on way home to pick up a pepper grinder a gal dropped off I bought and ended up having an hour visit, and introduction to almost every one of Ada's stuffies ;) What a super productive day, yeah me!!

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